Sunday, February 22, 2009

Continuing from last post

One of my main struggles in Reality TV was my low salary. I thought I deserved more than what I was getting but some of my fears about my abilities led to me taking less than what I really wanted. That changed. After having a meltdown on my last job, partly because I was paid far less then some of the other story producers with equal or even less responsibilities I had had enough. During the show’s production, I had asked for more money from the producers to which they agreed because they saw that I added value to the show; however the raise didn’t materialize. I didn’t quit over it, although I became increasingly disgruntled, because I had the mentality that it was near the holidays and no one would be hiring. I, at least, had a job. And since the raise didn’t materialize, I felt entitled to cruise on the internet during the day and add things to my Amazon wish list. Meanwhile, another story producer who envied my position with the executive producer angled into my place. That really ticked me off so I decided that I would never work for that producer again.

And that’s what happened. When he hired for his next show, I wasn’t called. I felt terrible. I had fallen out of favor, so I thought, even though I had already said I didn’t want to work for him. Still, not being called meant someone in the business didn’t want to hire me and that’s a very fearful position to be in, in Hollywood. But if I had gotten the call, perhaps I would have accepted out of fear that another job wouldn’t come along. But one did – an even better one for a bigger and better show. A producer friend from the last show, who respected and trusted my work had recommended me. And my interview with the executive producer could not have gone better. I knew I had the job as soon as I walked out the door. What wasn’t finalized was the salary.

Salary equals self-worth and if I truly valued the work I did, I needed to ask for the salary I thought I deserved. I’d be working for an entire month without necessarily a day off. I would need to leave in 3 days time. I knew from another friend who had worked on the show previously the minimum story producer’s salary. I wanted more and for me, this was a test to see if I could get exactly what I wanted. From coaching with another friend, I worked out exactly what I would say to counter if I was offered the least amount for the story producer position. The line producer called, gave me the minimum salary and I with all the assurance in the world said what I wanted and why. He replied, “I can do that”. Done. Wow. Finally. Now all I had to do was getting everything together in 3 days to leave.

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