Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Continuing from last post

Continuing the story

I haven’t yet finished reading The Path to Empowerment. I went to the pages I absolutely needed to at the time. The book described that negative thoughts create negative experiences whereas positive thoughts create positive experiences. It seems so self-evident although so often positive people are seen as airy-fairy and childlike, whereas cynical, negative thinking people seem to be more mature, and sophisticated. Little do the latter know they are building their own prison rather than a playground.

I knew at some level about events I created. At the first company I worked for in reality TV, I didn’t feel like I mattered much. I had wanted a job where I had responsibility and I needed to be there and counted on. I ended up on a fast and furious show where I worked obscene hours. A co-worker commiserated with me but I all I could respond with was, “well I got what I asked for.” I certainly did. I took a job where I had to be there. I had to be counted on. The real question that I didn’t ask myself was, why did I need to make things so hard?

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